Mon, Jun 15, 2020
10:00 am - 10:45 am EST
In the best of times, deciding to downsize or relocate is a difficult decision for many older adults. Now, add the risks and worries that come with the current pandemic and these important decisions become even more complicated.
Join us for this informal conversation for a helpful review of the facts and variables, risks and opportunities to consider when evaluating your own housing options in these uncertain times.
With registration, a webinar link and instructions will be sent to you.
Monday, June 15th 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
All welcome. No cost.
Your Facilitator
Jennifer Moir welcomes you to this conversation and brings with her over 24 years of experience in eldercare planning. An Elder Planning Counselor, Certified Relocation and Transition Specialist, Certified Health Specialist and Dementia-Friendly Professional she looks forward to having this conversation with you and sharing helpful insights and experiences.